The tax system in Lebanon is unfair and inefficient. As part of rethinking Lebanon’s policies in light of the current crisis, this paper proposes key reforms to make tax incidence more progressive; strengthen tax compliance; and broaden the tax base. It also calls for considering a one-off wealth tax to help resolve the current crisis in a socially fair manner. It posits that the fight for fiscal justice and effectiveness needs to become more central in political debates as a just fiscal system is a requisite of any vision for a “new Lebanon”.
Priority themes cover adjustment policies, providing the country (and/or the region) with long-term goals for sustainable welfare. There will be a dual focus on macro and sectors, since both are central legs of a reform agenda. On the macro, how to fix the state is important, as well as major options such as bank restructuring, sustainable development and civil rights. Also, inclusive growth opens studies on business climate, SMEs, new industries and green industries. Other studies will focus on short and medium-term infrastructure and sectoral issues. Many topics are identified (see below) and are subject to strategic and operational validation. Some items are related to the expected reinitiating of the sectoral and infrastructure agenda supported by international financing, and in all cases, topics are selected to highlight credible alternatives to unsuccessful public policies and poor governance. The Foundation complements its research and studies with wide awareness campaigns to mobilize citizens’ and organized groups’ support on the relevant topics. Building support through networking with the civil society, youth movements and other organizations will always be key.
Priority themes cover adjustment policies, providing the country (and/or the region) with long-term goals for sustainable welfare. There will be a dual focus on mac
Priority themes cover adjustment policies, providing the country (and/or the region) with long-term goals for sustainable welfare. There will be a dual focus on mac
Priority themes cover adjustment policies, providing the country (and/or the region) with long-term goals for sustainable welfare. There will be a dual focus on mac